Pay Your Annual Dues/Renew Your Membership

Thank you for being part of our St. Charles REALTOR® family!  The Association's mission is to help you succeed in your profession as you make the American Dream a reality for the families you serve! 

Check out the multitude of Member Benefits available to you, including the new Health Advantage with Clearwater and Forewarn Safety App!  Safety is always a top priority!  

Payment Dates to Remember

  • December 15 – Last day to pay and get your CE Passport which includes 12 hours free CE for 2025 (January-June use)
  • January 1 – Dues payments are due
  • January 31 – Last day of grace period to pay your dues without a late fee and service suspension
  • February 1 – Members with unpaid dues will be suspended and a late fee added
  • March 1 – Members with unpaid dues will be dropped

Click here to view and/or pay your invoice on the Member Portal.

Make Pre-Payments

If you wish to make pre-payments, the Association takes partial payments (cash or check only), but the entire amount must be paid by January 31, 2025 to avoid the late fee.

Invest in RPAC

As always, you can make a voluntary investment in the REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC) to safeguard your future.  Your investment in RPAC is your opportunity to take political action to protect your business and the American Dream of Homeownership.

Support the Housing Foundation

In addition, you can make a voluntary contribution to the St. Charles REALTORS® Housing Foundation.  The Foundation’s mission is to preserve and sustain housing in the St. Charles County region by financially assisting those organizations that help those in need find temporary or permanent housing, as well as help the Members of our St. Charles REALTOR family who have suffered loss or damage to their home from manmade or natural disaster.

We appreciate you!


  1. REALTOR® Dues are not refundable.Part of your 2025 dues structure includes $40 that will be set aside by the Missouri REALTORS to be used for issues activity. These monies will fund an “issues reserve fund” and may be used in the discretion of the Association to promote or oppose issues that affect REALTORS.
  2. Your 2025 dues includes a $45.00 mandatory assessment by the National Association of REALTORS for all REALTOR and REALTOR-Associate members to fund a nationwide Consumer Advertising campaign, formally known as the Public Awareness Campaign, which includes radio, TV network and cable ads highlighting the value a REALTOR brings to a transaction and stressing the importance of using a REALTOR. Please note that the entire $45 Consumer Advertising Campaign assessment qualifies as fully deductible.
  3. Dues payments are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax However, dues payments may be deductible as an ordinary business expense. It is recommended that you contact your personal tax adviser about business deductions. See deductible portions below. 
  4. Contributions to RPAC are not deductible for federal income tax Contributions are voluntary and are used for political purposes. The amounts indicated are merely guidelines and you may contribute more or less than the suggested amounts. The National Association of REALTORS and its state and local associations will not favor or disadvantage any member because of the amount contributed or a decision not to contribute. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Your contribution is split between National RPAC and the State PAC in your state. Contact your State Association or PAC for information about the percentages of your contribution provided to National RPAC and to the State PAC. The National RPAC portion is used to support federal candidates and is charged against your limits under 52 U.S.C. 30116. If you are investing in RPAC with a contribution from an LLC, that LLC must be registered with the Missouri Ethics Commission. Please go to to create an account and register before contributing. We need your help to reach our goal, thank you!
  5. Missouri REALTORS PAC, may not accept contributions from natural persons who are not United States citizens, foreign governments, foreign corporations that are not registered to do business in Missouri, candidate committees, political party committees, campaign committees, exploratory committees, or debt service committees. Article VIII, Section 23.3(12) & (16).
  6. Compliance with the Tax Reform Act of 1993, as amended by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, requires that the portion of dues attributable to lobbying and political activities at the Local, State and Federal levels of government be considered nondeductible for income tax purposes. Therefore, the 2025 dues paid to local, state and national associations will be nondeductible to the extent of that association’s lobbying expenditures on state and federal

Estimated Lobbying Expense Percentage of Dues that is Non-Deductible:

Since your Local Board/Association has less than $2,000 of expenses for lobbying on state and federal issues, the non- deductible portion of your Local Board’s/Association’s dues is $0; however, please note the amounts below of state and national dues which REALTORS® are not able to deduct on their federal tax returns as business expenses:

National Association of REALTORS, 35%. Annual Dues $156.00 or $55.00

Please note that the entire $45 Consumer Advertising Campaign special assessment qualifies as fully deductible.

Missouri REALTORS, 33%. Annual Dues $230.00 or $75.90


In addition, contributions, including member dues to NAR and/or Missouri REALTORS are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. However, they may be tax deductible under other provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.

[Designated REALTOR, REALTOR and REALTOR-Associate membership includes Local, State, and National Association]