Time Flies . . .

Gwen Walters

Everyone says time flies when you’re having fun; but it also flies when you’re head down, nose-to-the-grindstone, laser-focused on the work in front of you. It seems like only yesterday we were planning for 2023, and here we are about to reach its end. For some, it has been a challenging year and for others, a triumphant one. One thing is certain, 2023 has been a year of change – in the market, in our Association, and in our industry.


We began the year with the unveiling of the beautifully remodeled home of the St. Charles REALTORS®. Throughout the year, members and staff have enjoyed using the new classroom, boardroom, and, of course, the larger, more functional restrooms! The new store allows for a better selection of products and easier shopping, and we have additional space for whatever the future holds. Our Building Task Force did a wonderful job and certainly deserves our appreciation!


2023 was the first year of our three-year Strategic Plan. Through the diligent and dedicated work of our Board of Directors, committees, and staff, I am thrilled to relay that we have successfully checked off 10 of our 21 Wildly Important Goals (WIGs). Together we:


  1. Amplified awareness of our advocacy efforts and understanding of RPAC
  2. Increased participation in our Government Affairs Committee
  3. Evaluated and adjusted our Committee Structure to better serve the members
  4. Increased our Educational offerings through new CE courses and learning series
  5. Offered the Real Estate Negotiation Expert (RENE) Certification for our members
  6. Offered a non-CE business planning course through YPN
  7. Launched a C2EX Campaign to increase endorsements
  8. Expanded tools and resources for our members with a new Association website and the Forewarn App
  9. Gathered demographic information to better understand our diverse membership
  10. Launched a task force to focus on inclusion and ensure all voices are welcomed and heard within our Association and community


These goals were accomplished by listening to you, our members, and keeping you at the forefront of our discussions and decisions. We are not done yet! We will continue to work hard to ensure that the St. Charles REALTORS® is THE leading resource for real estate for both our members and our community!


As I reflect on 2023, with all its ups and downs, two words come to mind. The first word is gratitude. I am grateful for our Association staff and the work they do on our behalf. I am grateful for our Affiliates and their support of our membership and Association goals. I am grateful for the members who serve on our committees and Board of Directors -- it has been a privilege and a pleasure to work alongside you this year. I am grateful for the members who are out in the community working hard to help people achieve their American dream and sharing the truth, the passion, and the care behind that “R” that stands for REALTOR®. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve the members of this Association as President. It has truly been an honor. My second word is pride. I take great pride in being a REALTOR®… a Missouri REALTOR®… a ST. CHARLES REALTOR®! I am proud of our role in the community, what we do to help consumers, and the work we have done together to move this Association forward.


Once Upon a Time… I chose this installation theme based on the importance of stories. Not just the fictional ones I read every day, but the stories of all of us, our friends and families, our communities, and, of course, our Association. Thank you for being a part of this chapter in the story of St. Charles REALTORS® and mine. I wish you all the very happiest, holiday season and a wonderful and prosperous 2024!

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