A Message from Our President

Tuesday, May 21st, 2024
Tia Wisdom

Greetings, fellow REALTORS®!

Can you believe it’s already May? With the NAR Settlement results, it feels like we’ve lived an entire year in just a few months. Our industry is on the brink of significant changes once again. Today, I was reminding the agents in my office about the many times throughout my career when we had to adapt to an ever-evolving environment. We've weathered a housing crash, learned the ins and outs of short sales, figured out how to inspect bank-owned properties with no utilities, and navigated the idiocracy known as the CFPB (if you know, you know).

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Message from our President Mindy West

Tuesday, March 19th, 2024
Tia Wisdom

As members of St. Charles REALTORS®, we need to stay united in our commitment to protecting the integrity of our profession and ensuring fair compensation for the valuable services we provide. Recent public decisions made by the National Association of REALTORS®’ (NAR) Settlement Agreement, which is subject to court approval, have led to debates surrounding commission structures and compensation for buyer agents and have undoubtedly sparked concerns and prompted various viewpoints within our community.

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Message from our President Mindy West

Monday, January 22nd, 2024
Tia Wisdom

Greetings, fellow REALTORS® in the wild and wacky world of real estate! As your President, I couldn't resist the opportunity to bid a fond (or not-so-fond) farewell to 2023 and welcome you all aboard the crazy train that is 2024! Buckle up, because it's time to roll into the new year with humor, high spirits, and maybe a touch of real estate-induced madness!

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Time Flies . . .

Tuesday, November 28th, 2023
Gwen Walters

Everyone says time flies when you’re having fun; but it also flies when you’re head down, nose-to-the-grindstone, laser-focused on the work in front of you. It seems like only yesterday we were planning for 2023, and here we are about to reach its end. For some, it has been a challenging year and for others, a triumphant one. One thing is certain, 2023 has been a year of change – in the market, in our Association, and in our industry.

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President's Message: Change is the one constant in life!

Monday, October 23rd, 2023
Gwen Walters

We’ve all heard it said in one way or another… the one constant in life is change. The past few years have brought many changes in our communities, our Association, and our industry. This year, in particular, has been rife with challenges, and change feels imminent on many fronts. It may be easy to allow ourselves to get mired down in the uncertainty and the questions, wondering what changes will shape our future, but it’s important to find productive ways to navigate the unknown.

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