Message from your President

Tia Wisdom

Every September, the real estate industry comes together to highlight the importance of safety with REALTOR® Safety Month. As real estate agents, we frequently interact with strangers, host open houses, and visit unfamiliar properties. While we focus on delivering excellent service, it’s crucial to ensure that safety remains a top priority.

Understanding the Risks

Real estate agents are vulnerable to unique risks. The National Association of REALTOR® (NAR) Safety Report reveals that over a third of real estate professionals have encountered dangerous situations during their careers. The nature of our work—meeting clients alone, often in vacant properties—makes it essential to stay vigilant and take proactive measures to protect ourselves.

Essential Safety Tips for Realtors

1. Always Meet Clients in Public First

Before showing a property, arrange to meet new clients in your office or a public space. This allows you to gather vital information, verify their identity, and establish a rapport before proceeding to any showings. With our new showing rules, this gives you an easy excuse to meet with them first.

2. Share Your Itinerary

Let someone know your schedule, including where you’ll be, who you’ll be meeting, and when you’re expected to return. Consider using a safety app that tracks your location and alerts your emergency contacts if something feels off. St. Charles REALTOR® provides our members access to the Forewarn App to give you another tool to help with safety.

3. Trust Your Instincts

If something feels off, don’t ignore it. Whether it’s a client’s behavior or a property that feels unsafe, listen to your gut. It’s always better to reschedule a showing or ask a colleague to join you than to take unnecessary risks.

4. Stay Aware During Open Houses

Open houses can be particularly risky as strangers come in and out of the property. Always have an exit plan, keep your phone handy, and never venture into enclosed spaces like basements or attics alone with a client. Having another agent or assistant present during open houses is a good precaution.

5. Limit Personal Information

While it’s essential to build rapport with clients, be cautious about oversharing. Limit personal information on social media and avoid posting real-time updates of your location or travel plans.

6. Park Strategically

When arriving at a property, park in a position that allows for a quick exit if needed. Avoid parking in driveways or spots where you could be blocked in. Keep your keys in hand and be aware of your surroundings when entering and leaving properties.

7. Carry Self-Defense Tools

Many real estate agents opt to carry self-defense tools such as pepper spray, alarms, or even self-defense training. Ensure you're familiar with local laws and comfortable using any tools you carry. Safety is not just about tools but also about awareness and readiness.

8. Use Technology to Your Advantage

Technology has provided us with innovative ways to stay safe. In addition to safety apps, consider virtual showings or pre-recorded walkthroughs for initial property viewings. This reduces the need for unnecessary face-to-face meetings.

Staying Safe Year-Round

While September’s REALTOR® Safety Month is an important reminder, safety should be a year-round priority. Real estate professionals are at the forefront of the industry; and by taking a few proactive steps, we can reduce risk and maintain a safer working environment.

Safety is not just an individual responsibility but an industry-wide effort. By implementing these tips and staying informed about best practices, we can protect ourselves and continue to serve our clients confidently.

Stay safe, stay aware, and prioritize your well-being—your career depends on it!

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