Message from our President Mindy West

Tia Wisdom

As members of St. Charles REALTORS®, we need to stay united in our commitment to protecting the integrity of our profession and ensuring fair compensation for the valuable services we provide. Recent public decisions made by the National Association of REALTORS®’ (NAR) Settlement Agreement, which is subject to court approval, have led to debates surrounding commission structures and compensation for buyer agents and have undoubtedly sparked concerns and prompted various viewpoints within our community.

While it's essential to address these issues, it's equally important to approach them with a level-headed and strategic mindset. We understand that emotions may run high; particularly in the age of social media where opinions can be amplified, and discussions can quickly escalate. However, it is imperative that we take a collective breath and refrain from engaging in divisive rhetoric on social media platforms.

We understand you have questions, but it is crucial that we allow ourselves the necessary time to consult with legal experts who can assist us in drafting new forms and agreements that will effectively restructure how we compensate buyer agents. Rushing into decisions without proper legal counsel could have unintended consequences and jeopardize the stability of our profession.

In the coming weeks, we will be looking for ways that you, our members, can actively participate in discussions and contribute your insights towards shaping the future of our industry. We encourage each of you to actively engage in these conversations and lend your expertise to the collective effort.

As your representatives, we are committed to advocating for your interests and ensuring that any changes made reflect the best interests of our members and the real estate community as a whole. By working together collaboratively and thoughtfully, we can navigate through these challenges and emerge stronger than ever before.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our profession!

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