Meet Jason Vangalis Amazon’s Manager of Economic Development and Policy

Meet Jason Vangalis, MPPA, EDFP, Amazon’s Manager of Economic Development and Policy at SCR’s Commerical Networking Luncheon & Property Information Exchange.

June 30th from 11:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Free for Commerical Division members and meeting sponsors.  Members may bring a fist time attendee as a free guest. Please notify Jeanne when registering, 636-946-4022 or

$20.00 for nonmembers.

Arrive early!  Attendance prize drawling is at 11:30 a.m.

COME PREPARED TO NETWORK . . .  Bring flyers/brochures of properties you would like to share with other commercial members.  If you closed a deal with another commercial member, please announce it at the luncheon.

Click Here To Register.


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