July 2023 Forms Changes

Gwen Walters

The following two forms will be revised effective July 1, 2023:

#2090 – Residential Sale Contract – Housekeeping edits were made, which ultimately changed the line numbers. The current form will be honored for six (6) months once the new version is live on July 1, 2023.

#2118 – Residential Lease – Extensive changes were made to this form, which includes the Relationship Disclosure section, no smoking policy, growing of cannabis, and other missing information as outlined in the redline version (linked below). The current form will be honored for six (6) months once the new version is live on July 1, 2023.

PLEASE NOTE : #2118 – Residential Lease has been revised since this initial posting!

The additional wording change is below and the new Revision Summary and Sample & Redlined Versions are available at the bottom of this page:

Line 32 of #2118 has been modified to reflect security deposits to be held in an account applicable to current law.  The verbiage requiring security deposits to be held in a separate account was removed as this is no longer a legal requirement of 535.300 RSMo.  However, it should be noted that if the property is being managed by a licensed broker, a separate account is required per 339.105 RSMo.

Reminder: The Inspection Notice (Form #2129) version dated 01/20 expires on June 30, 2023.


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