Don't Be a Victim of Violence: A REALTOR Shares Her Story

Gwen Walters

This is a true story . . .

Earlier this month, a St. Louis REALTOR® got a call on one of her listings from a man who said he was at the house and wanted her to show it. It was an extremely busy day for her already which she tried to explain to the man, but he was adamant that he was at the house and needed her to come show it. After he insisted several times, she told him that she needed more information--his name, number, email, was he working with an agent, and financing.  After a few minutes, she got some information that he was sort of reluctant to give her at first. He kept reiterating it was most convenient for her to show it right then.

She then had a sinking feeling…why would someone continue to hound her to show the house and then be unwilling to send her his complete contact information via text?  Thankfully, she pulled out her phone and used her FOREWARN app! She found that this man had 81 convictions for rape, sodomy, attempted rape, murder in the 1st degree and the list goes on!

Had it been a typical Friday in the life of a REALTOR®, she would have likely gone to show a vacant house, and the outcome could have been deadly. Please, please be careful, diligent, and follow your gut. 

Long story short, the non-emergency police line was called; and they informed her the house was secure.  Based on the lengthy profile they had, following her intuition likely saved her life! The police told her to ask them to escort any future showing requests as well. Finally, the sergeant mentioned that this cautionary tale and likely her call, one many might have brushed off, should be passed along with the information to anyone who will listen about how important being safe and following your gut is!

St. Charles REALTORS®, take advantage of this member safety benefit!  If you haven’t already, please register your FOREWARN account today and be safe out there!


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